Why & How To Capture 360* Videos/Photos From iPhone: 360 Video Camera In Budget

There are two kinds of progressive people in the blogging industry:
- Those who accept technology when it’s almost mainstream.
- Those who understand which tech could become mainstream.
The question is:
When will progressive users accept it as the best form of video content to consume?
As a consumer, I realize that 360* videos (aka virtual reality videos) will be the most profitable and most consumed content type in the near future. One reason why is the high bracket of users who will be the first ones to consume VR content.
And we all know that money is where the qualities are and not the
quantity. However knowing all these facts, one thing that has often
stopped me from buying a 360* video recording camera is the cost. When a
quality virtual reality headset like the “Samsung Gear VR Oculus ” costs hundreds, creating such content on a regular basis would be out of budget for a hobby user like me.
On January 17th, 2017, I was staying in a beachside hotel in Miami. I
had only 3-4 days left before flying back to India. I knew this was my
only chance to shop for those things which are not easily available in
India & usually launch first in the USA.This was when I started looking for a camera that could create 360* videos. The first few options I found were above the price tag of $500 (beyond my affordable range for experimenting).
I was about to skip buying a camera that could record 360* videos when I bumped into one device that made me write this post.
This guide is about a budget-friendly camera that only works with iPhone (an Android version is in the making) & makes capturing videos in 360 degrees child’s play.
The gadget that I’m talking about is the Insta Nano 360.

Despite having an Instagram-centric impression, this one turned out to be one of the must-have gadgets of 2017. It works with any video social networking site like YouTube or Vimeo and also 360* image-friendly sites like Facebook.
Insta 360 Nano is a great product which got funding from Kickstarter & now is available for every budget consumer to enjoy the power of creating virtual reality content.
At the time of writing this, Insta Nano 360 is only for iPhone, but they have another model coming out for Android which will release sometime in the 2nd-3rd quarter of 2017.
In this review post of Insta Nano 360, I’m sharing my experience of using it for more than 3 months.
An Honest Insta Nano 360 Review: 360 Camera for iPhone
When I was searching for 360* video cameras, I bumped into many gadgets like Theta and a few others that got good reviews online. I also read about using a GoPro as a 360* recording camera. But these solutions were all too expensive.Even though I am pretty sure of the future of virtual reality videos, I didn’t want to invest a considerable amount of money on something nobody has vouched for & I’m not 100% sure of.
This is when I saw an unexpectedly priced gadget- “InstaNano360” for $199.
The device marketed itself as made for iPhone only. As an avid user of iPhone, we all are aware of the Ollo 4-1 photo lens for iPhone that helps us take pictures as good as high-end DSLR camera lenses. I was surprised to see the price tag & amazing reviews from existing buyers.
Since Insta Nano 360 was only $199 & the video quality looked decent, I had nothing much to lose. I ordered the device and got it delivered to Atlanta.
From Miami, I flew to Atlanta where I was staying at a friend’s place who runs the popular blog “Travel with Archie”. It was in Atlanta where I opened the box from Amazon. I was awestruck when I saw the design of the Insta Nano 360.

It was not only the design but the quality of photos that this $199 device took. It was unbelievable. Check out this 360* picture that we took at a gadget store:
Now, one picture might not be enough for many of us to judge the quality of this camera, so I have created something better for you. A few days later, I was flying to India after my first ever round-trip in business class of an airline. (See the picture in the lounge area of Emirates business class.)
I recorded a video with the 360* camera, and watching it, I feel like I’m reliving the whole experience.
I got to know about the real potential of the Insta 360 Nano when I traveled to Jaisalmer (a must-visit place in Rajasthan, India) with my family.
There was a place called Sam Dunes & there we spent one evening. That’s where I recorded these virtual reality-friendly videos. You can watch using a VR device or on YouTube by using your mouse; doing this is like reliving the moment.
Is Insta Nano 360* iPhone Camera worth buying?
If you are an Apple iPhone user who is into blogging, a fashion blogger, Tech blogger, Travel blogger, into video production, or working as an influencer, Insta Nano 360 will give you an edge over your competitors.You will be known as the guy/brand/influencer who creates 360* videos. If you are a digital or social media agency, you can create 360 video content for your clients & at the same time earn extra money & fame. According to me @ $199 (available in most countries), it is a complete value for every iPhone user.
Even if you have iPhone with low memory, you can use memory card directly in Insta Nano 360. Also, you can click pictures & videos using Insta Nano 360 without iPhone. However, you need an iPhone to review your shot.
Since it’s available on Amazon, it makes it easier for users from many countries to order it.
Recently, they closed their Kickstarter campaign for the Android version of the Insta Nano 360 which will be released soon; however, for now, it’s the iPhone users who are lucky.
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